Varun Surana

Top 10 Habits For 2022

Top 10 Habits For 2022

Top 10 Habits For 2022

I guess Resolution is the second-highest word which is being used afterparty on the new year and I have seen many students, start-ups & entrepreneurs are putting status and making videos about their resolution and I have seen that health & wealth-related resolution are having a maximum stake in the resolution industry.

I am not going to share my resolution or not going to guide you on how to achieve the resolution, but I am to talk about a few habits which an entrepreneur must involve in his / her routine according to me.

“First You Should Focus On Health & Wealth Not Health or Wealth as both are equally important”

1. Daily Work Out: fix a time of 10-60 minutes whatever you can for basic / advance works out whatever suits to you if you want you can join some yoga classes/gym or can hire a personal trainer as well or start with simple walking habit.

2. Meet At least 365 New People: try to meet at least 1 person per day daily which will help you to grow your network and believe me your network will become your biggest sales volume.


3. Use Linkedin Effectively: start sending new connection requests, accepts the request, participate in comments, join groups and write some amazing piece of information/knowledge based on your experience. If you are using LinkedIn effectively then you can avoid this step else start taking it seriously.

4. Write at least 2-3 Articles Monthly: write minimum of 1000 words Related To Your Industry and divide them into 2-4 blog posts and publish on your website/Facebook / LinkedIn. Writing habit is one skill which I recommend every entrepreneur should have.

5. Invest on Your Brain Training: No-No, Not just books, go and attend some amazing training sessions by business coaches/consultants or learn some new skills, every city is full of such workshops and training nowadays.

6. Spend Quality Time With Family: this one will work as a stress buster, quality time means no one should come between you and your family, not even your phone. Be it for 15 minutes or 90 minutes.

7. Set Goals: set GOALS and this should be more descriptive like product-wise, month-wise, department wise, team-wise, personal goals, financial goals, social goals etc.

8. Have Some Budget To Invest On Your Team: Hire someone who can motivate your team or train them for a new skill or engage them for team building activities. You can find these trainers/speakers in your budget in your city only but start this culture where you spend some time and money on upgrading your team.

9. Strong Digital Presence: if you don’t have a website/Facebook page / LinkedIn account get it soon, hire some professional agency if you can’t afford an in-house team, and start investing on your digital presence, believe me, if you are not doing that in 2020, most probably you’ll be kicked out from the market before 2030.

10. Stop Watching TV: Say NO to TV, I have left watching TV and it’s my 6th year without TV and now I can say that TV will not bring any productivity for you if you have interest in election results, budget or if there is some serious issue when you want to watch news channels, go for it. For entertainment: go out with your team, family or friends, spend time with loving ones, read some books, watch videos on youtube or listen to music but say no to TV

BONUS: you should spare a minimum of 30 minutes in starting at your office where you should not be disturbed by anyone. Ask your team to not buzz your door for the first 30 minutes, put your phone on silent mode, and start working on planning, way of execution, the last backlog if there is any.

Let me know in the comment section if you liked the article and feel free to share this if you think it’s worthy 😊 

Varun Surana

Serial Entrepreneur (Education, Tech, Branding & Community Based Businesses)

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