Want to Build a Thousand Crore Company?
The headline of the article sounds very optimistic for everyone and many of you think that even I have not to build a thousand crore company yet so how can I write about this.
So the answer is
Life is too short to learn everything from your own experience, you can always learn from other’s experience
I know that experience is one of the best teachers but the cost of time is very high in this cut-throat competitive market. We have 125 Cr + population in India and still, 9 businesses out of 10 shut down within the first 2-3 years just because of mistakes every business owner does and the 10th one survives because he/she does something different which is actually mistaken proof strategy.
Why I have mention 125Cr + population?
That means we have a huge market for every business within the country, and this population becomes an amazing advantage for every business as we have a widely diversified audience that can buy many things from many businesses.
So let’s come on the straightforward points, what the owners of 1000Cr + Company are doing which you have not even started yet?
1. Systematic Business Processes
The maximum reader of this post doesn’t have the systematic process for every single process involved in the business and they do it according to comfortability but it’s one of the most dangerous practices you do!
2. Long-Term Vision
Do you have a complete goal plan for the next 20-30 years, where you want to go, how you’ll achieve it, what kind of problems may arise, if no Prepare it on the first priority!
Also Read: 4 Tips to Grow Your Business
3. Focus On Revenues
Focusing on the revenues and its sub connection is one of the most important tasks for every business if you‘ll not revenues your business will die an untimely death for sure and you’ll end lots of time and money.
4. Growth Strategy
The primary task of a business owner is to plan growth strategy, growth and only growth for each of every stakeholder of the company but you are so much occupied in handling the day to day business process and you don’t have enough time to think about the growth part majorly and ultimately you do not make any magic in the business.
READ This Amazing Book Named “How to Build a Business and Sell It for Millions“, Which Can Change Your Complete Mind Set
PS: every process has its own importance and if you think that you’ll do it later or once the business becomes big, believe me, your business will never become that big as you want in the same time frame if you avoid the above-mentioned points.
You don’t know that you’ll get the same life back or not so maximum from us have 10-40 years to build such a big empire, choose wisely what you want and what not?
And please don’t cry for the situations, money problem, time issues and all, every successful business owner have a painful story, in fact, treat these problems as a positive symbol that you have symptoms of success in the business.