Varun Surana

How to Scale a Small Business in India

how to scale a small business in india by varun surana

How to Scale a Small Business in India: A Comprehensive Guide Expanding a business is essential for success, but it presents numerous challenges. The intricacy of small agencies in India is expected to rise significantly, given the diverse nature of the market, regulatory obstacles, and talent and finance accessibility. But as a result of digitization and government programs like Startup India, the environment for scaling is developing. In today’s article, we will cover all the important topics that small businesses need to consider before expanding in India. It offers tactical advice and strategic approaches in areas such as financial planning, operational efficiency in small businesses, and technology adoption, all while taking into account the unique difficulties faced by Indian marketers. Understanding the Indian Business Landscape India achieved seventy-nine positions in 015 and is ranked 63rd on the Ease of Doing Business Index 2020. This demonstrates the extremely difficult circumstances faced by entrepreneurs, including infrastructure obstacles and regulatory procedures. With 63 million MSMEs operating, the small company landscape remains vibrant nonetheless. Among the main issues faced by small business owners in India are often insufficient regulatory frameworks, a lack of skilled workers, limited access to digital infrastructure in remote places, and financial constraints. An SME Finance Report states that $400 billion in capital is now lacking for MSMEs in India. However, government programs like Make in India, Startup India, collateral-unfastened loan schemes, and technology adoption subsidies support small business scaling in India. The widespread use of phones means that virtual transformation cannot be put off any longer. By 2024, the digitalization of SMBs is projected to boost India’s GDP by $158– $216 billion. Preparing for Growth Entrepreneurs tend to focus on customers and deliver exceptional products/services when starting. However, scaling requires looking at your business objectives and operations more broadly. This majorly includes assessing your business’s readiness and setting scalable goals. Assessing Your Business’s Readiness An agile business model, efficient processes, and infrastructure are critical for small business success in a diverse country like India. Before making growth projections or investments, conduct a realistic assessment of your company’s current health by: Examining your product/service offering, business model, operational processes and costs, supply chain, logistics, and current technology infrastructure. Identify areas where you can improve efficiency and quality. Speak with your target audience to determine market demand, solicit feedback on your offering, and understand customer expectations or pain points that need to be addressed. Doing a SWOT analysis by calling out your business’ strengths that give you a competitive edge, any glaring operational or infrastructural weaknesses, potential opportunities you can leverage, and looming threats by local and international competition. Setting Scalable Goals Setting a long-term vision for your small business scaling in India grabs a crucial spot. However, setting clear, measurable short-term goals with realistic timelines is equally vital for consistent growth. When it comes down to scalable goals, make sure they are: Measurable goals allow you to track your progress with key performance indicators. One example of this would be setting a goal to acquire 100 new clients in six months. By achieving objectives that are within your internal capabilities and the existing or anticipated external environment, you position your business for success. Pertinent to your goals and in line with the overall expansion plan of your small business. Limited in duration and time, with a clear cutoff point that must be exceeded before reconsidering. By using these SMART criteria to help you crystallize scalable goals, you’ll be able to track your progress and proactively handle obstacles seamlessly. Strategies for Scaling Your Business Small business scaling in India has unique complexities. Incorporating the following strategies will facilitate sustainable expansion no matter what stage you are at currently. Financial Planning and Management Insufficient access to finance often throttles scaling plans for Indian SMBs. That is why sound financial planning for small businesses from the start is imperative whether you are self-funded, have already taken a bank loan, or have attracted angel investors. You can keep your cash flow stable by carefully managing capital expenditures and optimizing invoicing. Maintain sufficient reserves to cover operating expenses for three to six months. To prepare, create multiple scaling scenarios. As soon as you can, look into your funding options, including conventional lenders like banks and venture capital companies. Think about private equity, seed funding, and accelerator programs. Remember that there might be stringent requirements for grants. Prior to making technology investments or expanding into new markets, create open-use budgets. In the face of erratic economic conditions, this guarantees wise capital allocation and guards against cost overruns, both of which are essential for implementing scaling plans. Operational Efficiency As your client base expands, controlling your company operations gets more challenging. To efficiently handle this complexity, consider implementing automation, outsourcing, and lean management approaches from the outset. These tactics can increase productivity, enhance the customer experience, and save you money. Use low-cost cloud-based software to automate repetitive tasks in sales, customer service, HR, accounting, and compliance. Concentrate on strategic initiatives with the highest value. Non-core tasks such as content development, technical maintenance, and shipping can be outsourced to improve operational efficiency. To reduce waste and improve output quality, regular process optimization using methodologies such as Kaizen and Six Sigma is recommended. Process digitization improves efficiency and provides data for early problem detection and response. Expanding Marketing Reach Entrepreneurs are starting to focus more on product-market fit and acquiring customers. However, scaling requires continuously evaluating changing demand and new trends and expanding into adjacent segments or territories. Some approaches to fuel your business growth strategies by boosting market access majorly include: Diversifying your offering portfolio Assess the scope to add product or service variants your existing customer base could use. Going from just clothes to accessories or school supplies opens new revenue streams for a kids’ apparel brand. PENETRATE adjacencies Consider geographic, demographic, or psychographic segments that appeal to your brand values after meeting demand in current categories. For example, an organic food company in South India has