Sales Sutra By Varun Surana – Vol 1

Sales Sutra By Varun Surana – Vol 1 Sales sutra is a series of small hacks by Varun Surana in order to increase sales in business. Sales Hack 1 A true friend who understands your troubles is far more valuable than a hundred friends who only show up for your smiles. Trust Me, Same things works in business as well, if you or your product/services becomes a solution center for your customer/prospect your business/product becomes the most loving brand/business soon in the list of many people. Understanding this art is not an easy task but once you are done it ll be the most amazing things in your business life. Sales Hack 2 If you are a sales professional then you should be proud of it because this is the only profile in the world where you can make millions and billions without the grace of anyone. If you’ll read stories or biographies of billionaires you’ll see that everyone was a salesman/woman If you are proud of it make a big smile now for you :)Yes, For You, Its Time To Smile For Yourself 🙂 Yes, that was perfect, and maintain this while pitching/selling. It shows that you are confident, happy, and interested in selling the product or service. Sales Hack 3 In Today’s Highly Competitive market where n number of options are available for every product or service. One bad experience of a customer can spoil lifetime business from that customer. Getting a new customer is not a big deal but retaining customers can only lead big profits in the company Always Remember : Once you begin to dislike someone, everything they do tends to annoy you and the same happens with your customer as well